Nutrition for Diabetes Management
Managing diabetes well takes a serious long term commitment, enormous self respect, a passion for health and an understanding of the nutritional properties of food. If you are weak in these key components, you need some support and education. Whether you have type 1 or type 2, you will benefit from an RHN who understands diabetes management.
Working with an RHN means that your whole health is considered, not just your diabetes. Jill will help you address all areas of your health, which arise in her assessment of your current symptoms and state of health. Jill can help you manage your meals, create meal plans and recommend effective foods for enhancing blood sugar metabolism. Having managed type 1 diabetes for 30 years, Jill's practical life experience has led her to live with a solid philosophy for maintaining an active life with diabetes.
"Over the years I have developed a strong passion and commitment to my health. Learning everything I can about diabetes is critical for my motivation. It's so important to get to the stage where we don't feel deprived, sorry for ourselves or belligerent about what we cannot eat or do. I live my life believing that no one else can be depended upon to fix my lifestyle choices. It is not my intention to rely on our health care system when disease prevention is truly the key. There are always healthy options, so it is better to think about what is possible not about what we are denied.
Yes, eating healthy may seem more expensive for some, and using complementary health practitioners to prevent disease costs money, but it's not nearly as expensive as treating disease and dealing with the devastating complications from poorly controlled diabetes. Health must be earned and never taken for granted. When you get a grip on managing your health, life provides freedom and opportunity. True passion for health comes from within, and it is my goal to help instil this passion in those who are ready to make a commitment to their lives".