What is a Professional Coach?
A coach is a professional partner who assists and challenges you to achieve your goals and to experience
the change you want in your life. A coach keeps you on track of your intentions, expands your perspective
and stretches you to excel in areas that you may not have felt possible otherwise. A coaching relationship
has a future-oriented, results-driven focus. It is completely confidential, client-centered and it relies
on the power of trust and accountability. Coaches work with clients who want to change, who are striving
for improvement and who may not be achieving their goals efficiently, or with the outcome they desire. A
coach can be the catalyst required to get things in motion and your objectives achieved.
People hire a coach to tackle an upcoming challenge and when they want to change the state of their lives.
Finding happiness and purpose in your life is a common impetus for working with a coach. Whether you are
interested in coaching as a means to uncovering fulfillment and balance in your life, for escalating the
performance of your business or for getting a grip on your state of wellness, the essence of a professional
coaching relationship is the same.